Monday, May 26, 2008

Sound toys

The bane of every parent, Toys that make sound are the ones parents hope or pray will break as fast as possible. Some parents even concoct the story that (once the batteries are dead) the toy is broken.

We found a brilliant suggestion from one of our most favorite websites Parent Hacks to use something to quiet the toys. The woman came up with, without a doubt, one of the best ideas ever. Merely fill up the slots where the speaker is with normal silicone caulk. The caulk (I use the clear kind) fills up the holes where the sound comes out and presto the sound is reduced significantly.

You can still here the sound so your child gets the pleasure of the sound toy, while the decibels are reduced well below the parent annoying level and thus you live your life without pulling out any more hair (or any more than normal).

P.S. Yes Uncle Jon we did this immediately with the Barney Trumpet you got Andrei.

1 comment:

The Wilson's said...

Believe it or not, I am actually requesting toys with sound and music. Our little one loves them. I know that one day those toys will become old! So -- thanks for the tip!