The day after court, we were scrambling with our translator to try and get the paperwork done so we could leave for Moscow about a week early. One of the items was to get the kid's passport pictures taken. We arrive at the baby home and wait downstairs for all of the little guys to appear but wait - there are four bundled up babies and only three families. Another family was showing up on Sunday for their court date on Monday, so their son was also joining us on our little adventure.
So the three families, translator, driver, and extra baby pile back into the van for a trip down the street to the grocery store/flea market/passport photo place. Let me try and paint a picture of the building - downstairs was a full grocery store which was packed on a Saturday night up some steep concrete stairs was a flea market type place with a bunch of little kiosks selling anything you might need with a passport photo booth as well.
So up the stairs we go with our bundled little guy and then need to take off the layers to get him into a state for his passport photo. Into the photo booth we go with a very unhappy guy, take his passport photo, dress him back in his layers, down the stairs and back out to the van to wait for the photos to be developed.
About 10 minutes later our translator comes back with the pictures, but wait there's a problem. The photographer accidentally deleted Andrei's pictures. So back up the stairs, removing layers, try to get an unhappy boy to sit still and look at the camera, dress him back in the layers, down the steep concrete stairs, and back into the van to wait.
Good News, this time the pictures are ready and here's what we've ended up with
(or is it really a young Uncle Fester?):

They took Olivia's right after taking blood from her at the medical clinic. She was so puffy from crying and looked like heck.
OK so how adorable is he in that photo you are lucky you should see some I have seen...OMG
we were fortunate all that was done prior to us coming to Russia...
I love his little passport photo! My kids' passport photos are priceless - Vika is posing like a little model, and Eamon has the same "deer-in-the-headlights" look that Andrei is wearing. It's a great image from their past.
But, my gosh, look how much Andrei has changed! Amazing what a little nutrition and nurturing can do. :)
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