Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today's post is brought to you by the letter O

If you haven't figured it out yet, our child is brilliant. He now recognizes his first few letters with the letter "O" appearing to be the favorite.

He's been playing with his new Fridge Phonics toy (Thanks Kelly, Stephany, and Taylor) and is already learning the letters. Our first exposure to him knowing his letters came last night. Andrei is playing with the toy, says O, picks up the O magnet and puts in in the Fridge Phonics player. Steve and I were both surprised by this, so we rearranged the letters and asked him to show us the O again and he chose the right letter. I'm not sure why he likes O best but he does.

Tonight when we were reading his bedtime stories I asked him if he saw an O on the page, and he proceeded to point to all of the different Os that he could find. Like I said, our child is brilliant.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Wow! I'm impressed! We have that fridge phonics too, but all my kids would do was push the button and dance to the ABC song.