Friday, August 29, 2008

Not enjoying Time Outs...and that's a good thing

Andrei is in full swing of the terrible two's and with it brings a few trips to the corner (actually our front door which is the official Time Out spot). For awhile Andrei didn't seem to mind being in Time Out because the place we originally used allowed for visibility of the rest of the house. But now that he's truly isolated and doesn't have anything to do, he's recognizing that this Time Out thing isn't very pleasurable.

And that's a good thing.

He use to play during Time Outs. Now he screams at the top of his lungs showing us his displeasure.

It may sound bad, but I want him to be upset and, in essence, pissed off that he's in a Time Out. After all this is punishment. He's in Time Out (in our house) for doing something very objectionable, such as hitting (instant Time Out) or repeatedly throwing something (book, toys, etc.) when told not to.

So the fact that he's now getting really upset that he has to stand up against the front door for a minute or two is a damn good thing in my book. But the yelling he's doing now is almost comical. Plus it's now hard because I have to wait until I hear him quiet for a few seconds so he doesn't think the yelling is doing any good.

But Andrei is actually really good about the ending of the Time Outs. He doesn't hold a grudge at all. He's very sincere when we end them with hugs and kisses. He's not yet at the point where he can tell us why he made it into "time out land" but he does acknowledge when we tell him why (such as showing us a throwing motion and then says "no, no, no").

So at least we're making progress.


Kris said...

Glad you are making progress! Alek at 4 is just starting to scream in time outs, they never worked for him before, so now we are re-trying them, he hates it which makes me happy. Hopefully it continues to be a deterent!
Good luck!!!

Jenni said...

Ah, the dreaded time-outs! The isolation is definitely the key. Jeff and I used to stand around the corner, laughing at the ruckus Vika and Eamon would make during their time-outs. One time Eamon was so funny in his anger that I had to snap a picture. It's currently in his life book (he laughs at it now too). :)

Anonymous said...

Hold your ground, Mom!

Dede said...

Glad they are working for you. It seems evil but there is pleasure in hearing them cry during their time out.