Mommy took the day off and we all went down to Monterey to the aquarium, that's a place where they keep fish and things. It was really cool. I got to look at all these fish and other stuff up close.

We then went outside for a snack and saw some more stuff. This is a tide pool exhibit (that's a fancy name for a place for sea stuff). We kept getting splashed with water and Mommy wasn't too into it, but I thought it was awesome.

Then we went and had lunch at this cool restaurant right on the water. And I could look out over the whole bay. It was so sweet. That's me holding my new otter that Mommy got me. We saw lots of otters at the aquarium and some penguins too.

Then Daddy took me down to the beach and I went into the water. Jeez it was cold. It felt like I was back in Siberia or something. This whole sunny California thing is totally bogus.

By the way, this is my second post on my blog that Mommy is doing for me. I write pretty well for a 22 month old, don't ya think? I even got the correct diction for the whole good/well thing. On the way home I watched my favorite DVD: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Mommy calls TV "baby crack" but I don't understand why.