When we got to the house there were tons of kids around. I was a bit shy at first. Cause most of them were bigger than me, but there were lots of cool toys to play with and they had some of my favorite food so pretty soon I was having a great time. I pigged out on ham (get it, that's a toddler joke).
The big kids got to look for eggs first, I think it was because they move so fast or something. Anyway, then it was our turn. After all that good food, I was ready to roll and tried to inch my way to the front of the line.

Mommy came with me and helped a lot. She pointed out where the eggs were and then gave me some really good ideas, like putting the eggs into my basket.
Oh yeah! Do you like my basket? I picked it out myself at Target. I picked that one over an Elmo basket. It was a really tough choice, but I just so love cars that I had to ditch the Elmo one and go with this bad boy. I really made the right choice because all the boys at the party were looking at MY basket. I bet you think it's cool too, huh?

Egg hunting is hard work and after getting my fill I decided to play on the outside toys they had. They have two boys so they had tons of cool things I could play with. Now we all know how much I enjoy pull toys. But they had this totally awesome type of pull toy. My Dad called it a wagon. Well, whatever you call it, it was sooooooo cool. It was really big but I was able to move it around all by myself. I kept pulling it around and around hoping my parents would figure out that I really want one. Cause you know my birthday is coming up.

It was a huge day and I had a great time. I can't thank Gillian and Keith enough, those are the parents who had the Easter Egg Hunt. You know this was my first official "party" and I have to say it was a blast. I couldn't stop talking about it all the way home. I was so excited I didn't even sleep in the car, but boy did I have a great nap when I got home!

I just loved reading the story about Andrei's first party. What fun it must have been for all of you. Yes I suppose a wagon will we coming up soon.
As far as his hair, almost every morning we take a wide, wooden bristle brush; wet it; and comb it down a couple of times. that usually tames most of it. A few times, Mike has resorted to using a dab of hair gel. When all fails, use a hat or just go out looking like Diego. I think he might have to be him for Halloween.
Mostly, when he has that really nasty "crib hair" as Stef calls it, I normally just grab his baseball cap.
Oh my goodness he's changing so much. I love the pic with A & Chianti (?) in the enclosed thingamajig
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