Saturday, March 15, 2008

A short "talkie" video

Here's just a little sampling of a few of Andrei's favorite words. Currently "All Done" is one that is said no matter what the activity and no matter who is ending what (Mommy finishing her meal, daddy getting out of the shower, Andrei done with a toy, you name it).



Dave Templeman said...

Wow... I'm jealous...

We've just submitted our dossier to Novosibirsk and are waiting on referrals...

I've been trying to find information on the region, etc. and I have to say that your blog has given me a TON of useful information.

Congratulations on your lovely new family.


yorkiemom said...

Dave - and any other parents waiting for referrals or travel in Novosibirsk, definitely join the Novosibirsk adoption Yahoo group. There is a great group of people with recent experience and tons of helpful information.