a - The boy successfully undressed himself except for his diaper, or
b - The dog learned how to climb into the crib and undress the child except for his diaper.
Since we didn't actually see it happen we're both inclined to believe option "a" since the dog isn't that ambitious and loves fully participating in nap time.
Yesterday at the beginning of nap time he was wearing the romper in the picture below and socks for his nap. At the end of nap time he was wearing a diaper. Now, I had witnessed his running around in the romper with the zipper undone, but he'd never made it to taking the romper all the way off. And then he'd also removed his socks. At night we have him take off his socks, but have to help him get them started.
So we can check another milestone off the list and hope we don't get to the point we need to duct tape the diaper during naps.

Our girls start taking of their PJs when sleeping, and one of them went diaper diving. To solve the problem, safety pin the zipper at the top of their PJs in place.
Glad to see you everyone doing well!
Just wait - clothes are only the beginning. About 2 weeks ago, I overheard on the baby monitor "I naked. No clothes, no diaper. Dat my butt! I naked." Walked in and sure enough - one very naked 2 year old.
I missed your April 1 blog, we had computer problems again, but I guess even though it was April Fools you weren't joking about him throwing things over the edge or those sharp teeth. The trick is don't let him bite you!!
I can't decide who is luckier, you two or him. Beign a parent is one of the most wonderful experiences in life, and of course he is having a more wonderful experience with you than he could ever in his imagination have in Siberia.
I love you all,
Mother and Granmama
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