First, he's hitting the terrible twos with full force and asserting his independence at every opportunity. Apparently no one has told him that he won't be turning two for another six weeks.
The testing, oh the testing. He's really testing both of us. One of Andrei's favorite activities is to throw balls, stuffed animals, shoes and other objects over the second floor hallway railing down to the floor below. As soon as he's done this we "discuss" how he shouldn't be throwing things downstairs and he's lost the toy. We know we're getting through to him because he'll tell us in his own toddler pantomime that none of us should throw items over the railing. Just in case we've changed our minds, he likes to reinforce this concept daily.
Second, his canines (teeth) are finally coming in. Those sharp little teeth are finally poking through and our superhero has been DroolBoy. We have drool everywhere - and no one warned us that toddler teeth are sharp!
Lastly, he's had a cold for the last couple of days. He woke up crying on Saturday night and it took Tylenol and rocking in my arms for about 30 minutes to relax enough to get back to sleep. The next day he started sneezing and had a runny nose. Today he appears to be feeling much better and hopefully will sleep through the night.
Generally he's a happy kid and gives us a little slack when we're trying to figure out this parenting thing. However, with the combo of these three we've been challenged this week. But who couldn't love this face!

What no one tells you is that the "terrible twos" start around 18 months and then resurge with a healthy vengance around 3. Oh...and in my limited experience, boys are much different than girls....boys seem to be more physical than dramatic. We are dealing with the same issues here. Except my kid learned to throw stuff over the banister from me since I can only carry so much down the stairs each morning. So I had to stop that. :-)
I agree. He is ONE CUTE KID.
Just found your "new" blog!
I'm so glad you guys have continued to blog about Wonderboy!
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