But we took Andrei for his first real haircut yesterday. One where the person who is cutting your hair actually cares about how you look and tries to make you look cool not like a...well...shaved sheep.
We weren't sure how he would respond to the haircut. First off he had a busy morning as it was the last of his swimming lessons and he was a major handful for Stef. He decided to do what he does at home and play the "Throw the pool toys out of the pool and jump out and get them to throw them back into the pool"...only to continue the cycle over and over again.
He was suppose to be learning things like blowing bubbles and such. But hey, he's a 2-year old so we basically let him have fun in the pool whatever way he wants (as long as it's safe). But on to the haircut. Here's a before shot of his hair on the way to the place.

Well at the hair salon he really liked the car and airplane seats and wanted to go into them right away, so we're thinking this is going to be easy. But after about 2 minutes he wanted out (this is even before the haircut chick, sorry, stylist even came near him). So we went with the sitting on daddy's lap approach.

And he was a perfect gentleman (as he usually is) for the duration. The stylist asked us if we wanted to "spike" his hair because she thought it would look cool. Of course she had tattoos up and down her arms. But, seriously, we do think it is kinda cute for the little ones, so we went with this look.

Which leads to a warning from Andrei to all 2-year old girls out there. "Watch out, I'm on the prowl."
wow, he looks so different with the spiked 'do! Adorable!
we plan on doing the spiked thing on our next visit to the hairdresser. very cute.
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