Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maybe the Gloworm is more important than we thought

We've been able to "test" what happens when a lovey looses it's ability to make noise and the result wasn't pretty. The responses to Steve's post about noise making lovies mention letting the batteries die as a possibility to relieving ourselves of the noise. Well I'm here to tell you that this approach may not work as expected.

Steve teaches his class on Monday nights so I was going through our nightly bed time routine with our little man. The nightly routine includes bathtime, books, and then into the crib for sleep. Before I leave the room I MUST kiss the gazillion animals good night all while the gloworm is playing his (I'm assuming it's a him) songs. Monday night we ran into a little glitch. Gloworm's batteries were dying. You'd hit the button to play his song and he'd start out okay but then fade fast. Actually I thought it was quite funny but our child didn't share the same idea of humor so I had to treat this with the seriousness it required.

First thought, I'll grab the backup gloworm and do a quick switcheroo. Oh but wait, Steve had moved the backup gloworm and neglected to tell me the hiding place. No problem, he keeps the extra rechargeable batteries in his desk so I'll just replace the batteries. Oh but wait, Steve's moved those as well. So now I have a traumatized toddler on my hands while searching through my husbands office to find the batteries.

Good news, I found the drawer with the batteries. Bad news, there are only two batteries and I need three for the gloworm. Luckily we use rechargables in the toys so I just have to recharge the original three. While the batteries are charging, the boy finally calms down and falls asleep in my arms. I'm able to replace the batteries and get everyone to bed. Whew, that was a close one.

Since we always try to find the opportunity to learn something from these "events" here's a quick recap of what we learned. (1) Make sure any backups are in the approved spot and any moving is done with both parents. (2) Don't rearrange your office without letting the other parent know.

You'll all be happy to know that both the backup Elmo and Gloworm are in a known super secret spot within easy reach of the crib. We also bought even more rechargeable batteries so we shouldn't run low for a while.