Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My First Swimming Lesson

Last weekend was the best! But, it didn't start out so great. On Saturday morning, Mom said we were going swimming so when we got in the car I threw a fit - We DO NOT go swimming in the car, we go swimming in the back yard. Eventually I got settled down and decided to wait and see where she was going with this "swimming in the car" idea.

So we drive and drive for like FOREVER (Mom's edit: it was actually only 10 min) and finally get there and park the car. At first, I don't see any chance for swimming, there are a bunch of people playing in a huge sandbox and even more big kids playing with long sticks and a ball. We walk through a gate and mom talks to some people. I still have yet to see any water and even I know you need that stuff for swimming.

We then head through another gate and I finally see it - the biggest bestest swimming pool I've ever seen!! Mom's not doing too well in my eyes cause we sit there for a minute then she tries to get me to go back through the gate. NO WAY LADY, not after I've gone this far. Finally she DRAGS me to the gate and then back to sit and just look at the water. Hello, I'm supposed to be swimming not just looking at the opportunity of a lifetime.

There are a few other kids, but most look really scared. Some of the kids and their mom or dad go up and are just standing around this guy with a clipboard. We go up and join them. I'm really not liking this standing around and looking at water. Swimming means you go in the water. Who cares if it's cold and windy just jump in!

Then we get into the water. It's nice and warm so I just dive on in. This pool is way better since I can stand up and walk anywhere I want, so I just take off, I could tell the clipboard guy was impressed. We keep playing games in the water with rubber duckies, kicking and just having fun. - this is great!!- Some of the other kids aren't enjoying this, crying and getting out of the pool. I mean really, they are missing the opportunity of a lifetime.

Mom counted the other kids since I can't count yet and she's really into that kind of stuff. At the beginning of class there were a total of five other kids and now at the end we're down to me and some girl. My boys let me down, they've all left the pool and I'm left with a girl who can already talk and says I'm a little baby. I'm gonna prove her wrong, I walk on over to the ladder and climb on out of the pool.

It is really cold outside since the wind is blowing, but mom changes my clothes and we're off again back to the car. Mom tells me that I'm really lucky and get to go again next week. Yippee!! The bad part is we need to practice our bubble blowing.


Unknown said...

He maybe doesn't realize he had a head start on the swimming, since he has a pool and probably most of the others don't. I'm glad he is learning how to really swim. Very important. Look forward to seeing you all soon.
Love, Mother and Granmama

Melissa said...

very cute post. i should get my kids lessons. maybe next year.